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Karla Boyce Must Put Her Constituents First, And Reject GOP Cable Act 2.0

Today, Democratic Candidate for County Clerk Jamie Romeo called on her Republican opponent, and current County Legislator Karla Boyce, to push back on the Republican Majority’s plan to again, stall the work of County Government.

“Since the 2019 Election, Monroe County Republicans have been desperate to hold onto the reins of power in a method that makes Mitch McConnell jealous. Once again rather than focusing on the needs in our community, during an ongoing pandemic, the Republican Majority is threatening to grind down the gears of government to a halt if they do not get their way." Jamie Romeo stated.

“The Republican Majority in the Legislature has clearly demonstrated that they will not go to work if their actions do not meet their politics. Karla Boyce must live her values and show to her customers - the people of Monroe County whom she represents – that she will not put the Republican Party’s interests first and reject this action before tonight’s Full Legislature meeting.”

Majority Leader Steve Brew informed the County Executive’s office that the Republican Majority would refuse to authorize grant funding and programs should the legislation include standard language, with a 30-year precedent, that allows him to “execute post-adoption amendments and modifications to contract authorizations, funding receipts, grant acceptances, and agreement authorizations” or “terminate or modify the program, and where applicable, to terminate or abolish some or all portions funded under such program” when accepting funding – or to state plainly, do his job.

This is occurring on the same day Congressional Republicans in Washington D.C. are forcing through the appointment hearings for U.S. Supreme Court candidate Amy Coney Barrett.

“Government exists to serve the people, not partisan interest. Let us hope tonight’s meeting of the County Legislature is one demonstrating the people’s chambers at work – not more political nonsense.”

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